Madiha Abbas

Hello! My name is Madiha Abbas and I am an undergraduate studying Geography BSc. Originally belonging to Pakistan, I have lived life in both the East and the West. Through this, I have earned a clear understanding of how colonialism has shaped the lives of several. I believe the effects of colonialism have been too often ignored or displaced onto the logics of modernisation and world capitalism. I also believe that education is key to looking past such logics – forming and articulating anti-colonial thought. As my fellow colleague on this project Neha, states, ‘students are not just integral to the process of academic decolonisation but rather active potential participants within it’. Hence, like most of my fellows – I want to use the project as a vehicle to create, promote and further develop decolonial thought and practise, especially within my department. I also aim to not only be a keyboard warrior and want to make an actual difference in the world.

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