Reflection on Adoption and Mixed-Race Experiences

Introduction This piece explores the effect of mixed-race heritage and adoption on a person’s identity. Three anonymous authors have contributed to the work, each with varying intersections between these two experiences. These are: • Adopted, not mixed-race, and raised in a family who look visibly different to themselves• Adopted, mixed-race, and raised in a family […]

The White Masks We Adorn: Reclaiming Language Through Decolonisation

In this post, Pakhtun Pakistani, Madiha Abbas (MA) and Indigenous Kabyle, Riadh Ghemmour (RG) engage in a reflexive and critical dialogue to speak about how the use of certain hegemonic languages in a decolonial work might re-inscribe power and forms of coloniality and disregard minoritised communities’ cultural and linguistic heritage. Whilst doing so, we ponder […]